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Coordinator and Director Job Descriptions

Coordinator: 15-18 Progressive Dinner Coordinates the Progressive Dinner. Acts as a liaison between the Head Coach and parents that volunteer their houses for the stages of the dinner.
Coordinator: Age group /Poster Party Plans Age group/Poster Party for: 8 & Unders, 9/10's AND 11/12's mini golf, 13/14 bowling,
Coordinator: Data Entry
Coordinator: Deck set up and restoration 1. Send a reminder email 1-2 days before the AKC home meets to the people who signed up for deck set up and restoration, to remind them of their duties. Develop a small paragraph and reuse it each time.

2. Meet the volunteers by the pool at the appropriate time and give them the 2 laminated cards with the set up. They are in the pump room, in the back, on an upper shelf. Please put them back when they are done.

3. Please briefly meet the volunteers at the end of the meet and make sure they know how to restore the pool.

Coordinator: Officials

The head referee serves as the officials coordinator and is already Full Points as a swimming official. Active officials (i.e., currently serving as a stroke and turn judge, starter, or referee with valid credentials) are Full Points.
Coordinator: Home Meet Experience For each Saturday (A) home meet: check in with Snack Delivery Director a few days prior to ensure delivery is taking place. Before the meet, meet with concession sales, meet announcer, volunteer check in, and water runners to make sure they have checked in and understand their roles. For each Wednesday (B) home meet: Before the meet, meet with the meet announcer, parking volunteers, volunteer check in, team gear sales (if applicable) and water runners to ensure they are checked in and understand their roles. For the B&W meet, meet with the tee shirt distribution volunteers, Fin Swap Director and water runners to make sure they are checked in and understand their roles.

Oversee the National Anthem Director and Snack Pickup Director

Coordinator: Meet Pool Deck Before each meet, meet with the computer card sorter, card runner and deck marshal volunteers and ensure they have checked in and understand their roles.

Oversee the Head Clerk of Course (Saturday), Head Clerk of Course (Wednesday), Clerk of Course Assistant and Clerk of Course Trainee.

Coordinator: Meet Set up & Tear Down Meet Set up: Take items out of pump room (sign in sign, audio, data tent, equipment etc) & set up by baby pool area Team Area Set Up: Ensure sign for Visiting team is placed, & Visiting Team Area is cleared of Mackerels & KoC members. May need to ask KoC member families to relocate as Pool & picnic grounds are closed for the meet (sometimes members miss this email notification!)

Meet Tear Down: Return all meet equipment to pump room (primarily from baby pool area)

Coordinator: Pancake Breakfast Coordinates our annual pancake breakfast for our swimmers during Holy Mackerels Week, including developing signup genius for food and supplies purchases and volunteers, overseeing pancake breakfast and overseeing cleanup.
Coordinator: PR Ensures all meets and team events have a photographer signed up. Ensures photos are provided to Awards Banquet Coordinator for the slide show for the end of season Banquet. Ensures Publicity Director understands role for the season. Helps coordinate team photo.
Coordinator: Social Coordinates the social activities for the season including the Awards Banquet, Slide Show, Trophy Pickup and Peter Samp Trivia
Coordinator: Timing Manages timers at all meets. Responsible for stop watches. Provides instruction to timers prior to meet start. Saturday coordinator and Wednesday coordinator
Coordinator: Volunteers Coordinates volunteers.
Data Entry Volunteers Reports to Data Entry Coordinator.
Director: Awards Banquet Coordinates our awards banquet held at the end of the season. Reports to the Social Coordinator.
Director: Fin Swap Organizes and schedules fin swap for team during Blue & White meet. Reports to Home Meet Experience Coordinator.

Note about Fin Swap:

We are accepting donations of fins and gently used swimsuits and Holy Mackerels gear for sale at the Blue and White Meet from 7:30-10:30. Our reserves of fins are low, but we will accept donations and will swap/sell what we have. Also, any donations of gently used Holy Mackerel swimsuits and gear are appreciated. These donations will be used for straight sale to raise money for the team and will also be sold at the Blue and White Meet. Please leave donations at the front desk of the pool. We will have a clear container that is labeled Fin and Swimsuit donation for Blue and White Meet.

Director: Head Clerk of Course A (Competitive) Meets Organizes Clerk of Course in collaboration with opposing team. Should be someone with previous experience as Assistant Clerk of Course. Reports to Meet Pool Deck Coordinator.
Director: Head Clerk of Course B (Developmental) Meets Organizes Clerk of Course in collaboration with opposing team. Should be someone with previous experience as Assistant Clerk of Course. Reports to Meet Pool Deck Coordinator.
Director: National Anthem Provides National Anthem for Wednesday and Saturday home meets. Be creative if you like - have kids play their instruments & sing. Reports to Home Meet Experience Coordinator
Director: New Family Greets new families at Swim Team events, including Parent Kick Off Meeting, Blue & White Meet and the New Family Welcome Happy Hour. Plan and host the New Family Happy Hour (typically held the first week of Mini Mac practice). Coordinate reserving space, and getting food/beverages lined up. Obtain prior approval from Board for estimated costs and keep receipts to submit for reimbursement. Obtain list of new families from Volunteer Coordinators and email new families about it. Answer the questions of new parents throughout the season. Reports to Volunteer Coordinators.
Director: Peter Samp Trivia Reports to Social Coordinator.

Plan and organize Peter Samp Trivia Night- (typically July 11th- Peter's birthday)

- Secure venue (typically the BBQ pit)

- Create email announcing event with details -- e.g. team size and what to bring (could be pot luck)

- Purchase drinks for kids (keep receipts)

- Purchase beer for adults from the Deep End (keep receipts)

- Create questions for 4 rounds of trivia (typically 10 questions, 4 rounds- questions that would be relevant for kids and adults)

- Purchase T shirts for winners with year (LA tee has Peter Samp logo- feel free to create another one if you choose!)

- Purchase gag gifts (dollar store, 5 below etc) for 2nd place or between round raffles to help with the fun

- Secure microphone- designate announcer

- Provide paper, pens and any materials needed to participate

Director: Publicity Coordinates submission of our team activities, meet results, etc. to AKC Knight Life newsletter and liaisons with local papers. Communicates with and directs volunteers who have signed up to write articles. Reports to PR Coordinator.
Director: Ribbons This is a great job and the kids love their ribbons so you will be happy to know that what you’re doing puts a direct smile on their faces ☺

Your job is to make sure the ribbon writers understand their jobs before each meet (you can share the below tips with any who have not done it before) and check in to make sure they have turned them in by the deadlines (these can both be done via email).

At season end, please take an inventory of the ribbons and email the board so we know how many to order for next season.

Reports to the Data Entry Coordinator.

The following is some information / tips to help with the Ribbon writing job:

WEDNESDAY Development Meets:

For both home and away meets, we provide our own ribbons. We do NOT provide ribbons to the away team at our home meets; they will bring their own.

You can CHOOSE how you would like to do them:

OPTION 1: The Ribbon Writers can do the ribbons during the meet. If it’s a home meet, they will set up a ribbon table at one of the picnic tables in the baby pool area. As the computer clerks get the results printed onto labels, they will give them to the Ribbon Writers and they will place them on the ribbons. Once they finish them all, they will collate them alphabetically and by age, and give them to Coach Caroline at the close of the meet.

If it’s an away meet, you will bring the ribbons with you and they will set up wherever the home team gives us space. Same process applies as the computer clerks will print and give them the labels throughout the meet.

OPTIONS 2: The Ribbon Writers can take the ribbons home and do them. They would get all of the printed labels from the computer table before they leave at the end of the meet (if they can’t stay to the end of the Wednesday meet, they can arrange with Coach Caroline to take the labels with her and get them from her at practice Thursday morning).

Coach Caroline would like them back by the 7am practice on Friday. To get them to her that early, they could a) show up at the 7am Friday practice with them or b) leave them with the pool desk staff by 8p Thursday night and Caroline will get them Friday morning.

If they choose to not do the ribbons during the meet, they might consider getting together at practice the next morning and do them together in the picnic area; or divide them up…whatever works for them!

SATURDAY Competitive Meets:

For home meets, we provide ribbons for ourselves AND the visiting team. For away meets, they will provide us with ribbons.

For Saturday meets, ribbons MUST be done during the meet. The same process applies as the computer clerks will give the labels to the Ribbon Writers as they are printed out. If it’s a home meet, they’ll set up at a picnic table in the baby pool area. If it’s an away meet, they will set up where the home team gives us space. All ribbons must be done before leaving the end of the meet and given to Coach Caroline.

FAQs for Ribbon Writers:

Where do I get the ribbons?

The ribbons are kept in the pump room at the pool. The Ribbon Coordinator will email you prior to the meet to set up a time for you to get the ribbons. If there’s a communication breakdown, you can ask Coach Caroline for access to the pump room to get the ribbons.

Where do I return left over, unused ribbons?

You return them to the pump room by Friday morning practice (for Wed meets) or Monday morning practice (for Sat meets)

Who do I ask questions to?

Your Ribbon Coordinator! Of course Coach Caroline can help too but please do not interrupt her in the midst of a practice or a meet.

Why do Saturday ribbons need to be done at the meet?

These ribbons must be done during the meet because 1) we share ribbons with the other team and 2) there is a Holy Mackerel tradition of handing out ribbons at lunch at Wendy’s post-meet.

What if I am struggling to get the ribbons done by 7am Friday morning?

Alert the Ribbon Coordinator as soon as you can. He/she will help you or find you help. There is always a solution so just ask ☺

What do I do if I tried to get the ribbons finished by the end of a Wednesday night meet but they aren’t finished?

If you don’t get them finished and it’s time to go home from the meet (Wed night), then you can 1) take the ribbons home with you or 2) pick back up with them during Thursday morning practice. If neither of those options will work for you, contact the Ribbon Coordinator and something will get figured out.

Who are the computer clerks in case I need to find them for labels I didn’t receive (i.e. like we all ran out because of a storm, etc.)?

For the current season, the Computer Coordinator is: Mike Morgan

Director: Photography Coordinates photography of swimmers for each meet (home and away), as well as special events like the Relay Carnival, Divisionals, All Stars, etc and any team events. Communicate to Volunteer Coordinator by 5 days before the event how many photographer volunteers are needed. Load photos into Dropbox provided by Coach and help arrange for photos/slideshows to be made available to the parents. Communicates with photography volunteers before each event to make sure they understand their responsibilities (including owning their own DSLR camera). Reports to PR Coordinator.
Director: Saturday Morning Food Setup and Breakdown Oversight Reports to Home Meet Experience Coordinator.
1. Oversee setup and breakdown of the concession area for the Blue & White meet and home Saturday meets.
2. Arrive by 6:45am and help get the workers in charge of concessions going to do sales for the meet.
3.  Make sure the volunteers have set up the tables from the shed, that all of the food has arrived (coffee by 6:45am, chik fil a by 7:15am) and the other items for sale (donuts, muffins, chips, etc, and any clothing or other items (usually found in the pump room) we may be selling) are set up and that the volunteers understand at least two people must be with the cash box at all times.
4.  At the end of the meet, ensure that the volunteers have taken down all of the items and put things back where they belong. Return the cashbox and Stripe machine to the Volunteer Coordinator.
This job takes place before and after the meet
Director: Saturday Home Meet Snack Delivery

Costco will deliver some boxed snack items, fruit and Gatorade which need to be brought to AKC by 7:30 AM on Saturday morning. You can either have it delivered to your home, or meet the delivery at AKC during the week. You will be reimbursed for the items.

Reports to Home Meet Experience Coordinator.

Director: Slide Show Collects from meet/event photographers all photos taken. Puts together the slide show for the end of the season party.

Reports to Social Coordinator.

Director: Team Gear Sales

Coordinate with Head Coach to organize two gear stores per year. Winter gear store process typically starts in October with final sales in early November for Christmas delivery. Summer store process typically starts in March with final sales in late April for delivery by parent meeting.

1. Start emails with Head coach a few weeks before store is to start to get date set to meet at Sport Fair

2. Meet with Head Coach and Sport Fair rep to select items for store

3. Confirm deadlines for opening/closing store to get delivery at desired time and communicate with Head Coach/Sport Fair as needed to make sure store will be open on time

4. Email store link to families and send at least one reminder before store closes.

5. Coordinate with Sport Fair for pickup of orders (they will typically sort and bag them) and coordinate with Head Coach/Board on distribution method.

Director: Trophy Pick Up

Pick up trophies the day before the Banquet. Bring to the Columbus Club.

Reports to Social Coodinator.

Director: Water Reports to Home Meet Experience Coordinator

1. At the beginning of the season, please go and buy several boxes of water from Costco or anywhere else and store them in the shed at KOC (You will need to get a key from the President or Secretary). Keep the receipt, you will be reimbursed.

2. Please keep checking as the season unfolds to make sure we have enough water ( it tends to “disappear “ ). You might need to buy more.

3. Please send a reminder email 1-2 days before the AKC home meets (both Wednesday and Saturday) to the people who signed up for water runner to remind them of their duties. Develop a small paragraph and reuse it each time.

4. Water runner duties (for you to know and tell the other volunteers who would work under you):

Pick up coolers from pump room.

Fill coolers with ice from the KOC kitchen.

Ice the water bottles before the meet.

Run around offering water to the officials, timers and working volunteers for the entire meet.

Advise them to get running shoes.

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